Old Beads

Rautakautiset lasihelmet
Helminauha 200-300-luvun Balttiasta. Nauhassa esimerkiksi uurrettuja melonihelmiä. The copyright holder of this work, Andreas Praefcke, has released this work into the public domain.
Sheep to Something & All The Things
Viktig information - Sök i samlingarna
More beads from Birka grave Bj 515. In the Historiska Museet, Stockholm.
Object from the exhibition We call them Vikings produced by The Swedish History Museum
Object from the exhibition We call them Vikings produced by The Swedish History Museum Beads Carnelian, Glass, Rock Chrystal Grave find, Björkö, Adelsö, Uppland, Sweden. SHM 515 FID145053 FID145054 FID145055
Glass and rock crystal beads in the National Historical Museum, Oslo, Norway. 037_Vikings_Jewellery by e_ht12, via Flickr.
Viking artifacts from Denmark
Viking quartz bead necklace from National Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen.
Viktig information - Sök i samlingarna
Opake Glasperle aus Uppsala mit konzentrischen Ringen
Beads and cross Kaupang Larvik Vestfold Norway 900 CE
Beads and cross; Kaupang Larvik Vestfold Norway 900 C.E. Exhibited at the History Museum in Oslo, Norway.
Volva necklace - view of whole necklace from the Birka grave