
45 Pins
Wall Decals
Features: -Adds a beautiful photo image to your room. -Wipe with a damp cloth. -Komar collection. Product Type: -Wall mural. Theme: -Sea/Beach/Nautical. Color: -Multi-colored. Compatible Surfac
Historical Times
The last commercial sailing ship, 'Pamir' rounds Cape Horn in 1949 ~ Photo from Archives
The Sea Cloud..white.. ✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏ ƁǀJOUX ɗє ƓAƁƳ-ƑƐ́ƐRǀƐ ☞ https://fr.pinterest.com/JeanfbJf/pin-index-bijoux-de-gaby-f%C3%A9erie-par-barbier-j-f/ ══════════════════════ GABY-FÉERIE JEWELRY ☞ https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1351591571533839&type=1&l=bb0129771f ✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏
Steampunk Tendencies - Sunken Warship Vasa- Stockholm, Sweden: November 2015. 17th Flagship on the Swedish Fleet, Sunk in 1628 during the maiden voyage. Recovered in 1961 and preserved. More http://goo.gl/BeLbTI | Facebook
Sunken Warship Vasa- Stockholm, Sweden: November 2015. 17th Flagship on the Swedish Fleet, Sunk in 1628 during the maiden voyage. Recovered in 1961 and preserved.
Vasa (ship) - Wikipedia
This is the Swedish warship Vasa, it sank in 1628 and was recovered from the ocean in 1961 almost completely intact. This is the only remaining intact ship from the 1600's. This ship is housed in The Vasa Museum in Stockholm Sweden. A museum built around the ship.
Naval Architecture: Photo
Naval Architecture// é bem verdade que sinto sua falta o tempo todo, o dia inteiro, a cada instante meu...a marriage will do good for us. sure about that in Jesus name.
Montague Dawson – Pinturas - Paperblog
Montague Dawson – Pinturas
Royal Clipper - Lisbon, Portugal to Marseille, France: 13 N - Mediterranean Sea - Sailing Ship Adventures: Sailing Vacations and Tall Ship Cruises