
21 Pins
DIY Garden Planters
DIY Garden Planters,,LOL don't even know why i pined this case i have absolutely nothing to do.
Storebror och lillasyster...
gotta try... What a great idea to set pots in concrete. Hanging off a post with house number on it would look awesome!
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Concrete tealight totems - made "with a pleasing heft that is uncommon today." It's true.
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Leather plant hanger pot hanger hanging planter by KindaLovely
Decore seu Jardim 1
DIY Concrete Ladybug Tutorial #diy #crafts
BETONIA [osa 1.]
Wczoraj zrobiłem: BETON [Part 1]
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Modern small geometric planter for succulents by ConcreteGeometric
DIY “Stone” Container: If you’ve ever yearned for a costly piece of stone statuary or a hefty stone container, here’s a simple and inexpensive alternative: hypertufa
Hypertufa trough planter - Fine Gardening
Make the form for the walls of a rectangular planter by centering a smaller box inside a larger one
Schale aus Beton selber machen - Anleitung auf
Tutorial: How to make a concrete bowl,
DIY concrete lamp. Juice box for mold, coke bottle to provide space for light and cables on the inside.
Ljc's Projects: Garden: Concrete Mushrooms
Better version of how to Concrete Mushrooms; Ljc's Projects: Garden: Concrete Mushrooms
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