
2,009 Pins
A Last Dance On The Beach Blanket Joining Tutuorial - From The Scheepjes CAL 2016 - In Memory of Marinke (Wink) Slump R.I.P. (Crochet Squares / Afghan / Blanket)
Last Dance On The Beach - Scheepjes CAL 2016 - In Memory of Marinke (Wink) Slump R.I.P. (Crochet Squares / Afghan / Blanket)
Spring Lane CAL by Dropsdesign: ma couverture est terminée! - Je tricote Tu crochètes
Spring Lane CAL by Dropsdesign: ma couverture est terminée! @dropsdesign #crochet #virka #hekle #ganchillo #uncinetto #häkeln #haken #blanket #dropsalong #springlanecal #granny #grannysquare
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