
32 Pins
Granola on myslin herkullisempi ja kokkareisempi versio, ja tämä granola on porkkanakakun aamupalaversio. Granola saa makeutensa luonnollisesti hunajasta ja omenasoseesta.
35 Air Dry Clay Projects that will instantly inspire you!
Homemade Pumpkin Jam with Fall Spices canned in Jars
This homemade pumpkin jam recipe made with a spicy flavor is perfect for tarts, pies or slathered on toast in the morning breakfast. This jam is delicious!
Easy DIY Mother's Day Gifts That Will Win Mom's Heart
Does mom love tea? Whip up a Scandinavian-style table protector from–get this–wooden clothespins and floral wire.
Riciclo creativo mollette di legno
Blog dedicato all'arte del creare manualmente. La manualità e l'artigianato s'incontrano per dare vita a composizioni uniche ed introvabili.