Mantle Lustres - Vintage

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A pair of late Victorian pink opaque frosted glass lustres with crenulated rims, the knopped stems and bases with jewelled green and opaque glass beads and with gilt rims, 7.5ins high, each hung with ten prismatic drops (some drops damaged)
268: Pair Of Oversized Cut Glass Lusters With 9in.
Pair of oversized cut glass lusters with 9in. prisms
Vintage/Antique Czechoslovakian Bohemian Etched Cranberry Candle Holders w/Xtals
Antique Czechoslovakian Bohemian Etched Cranberry Glass Candle Holders With Faceted Square Crystals
Bohemian Milk Glass Cut To Clear Lustre W Prisms
BOHEMIAN MILK GLASS CUT TO CLEAR LUSTRE WITH PRISMS. Antique Bohemian Milk Glass Cut To Clear Lustre Holding 10 Crystal Prisms. Hand Painted Gilt Scrolled Vine And Leaf Design On Exterior - c. Late 19th To Early 20th Century
Auction Bid Platform
A pair of late 19th Century white opaque frosted glass lustre vases with crenellated tops, the upper part decorated with a formalised design, the stem and bases with gilt lions, 13.25ins high, each hung with ten prismatic drops (some drops damaged)
Fab Rare Antique Pink Lustre w Prisms Center Swirl
Antique pink glass lustre with gold painting and white glass center swirl - so lovely