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DIY - Kiste mit Griff aus altem Holz selber machen | Upcycling | Geschenkidee für Muttertag | How to
Soda Bottle Drip Feeder for Plants - Water Plants with a Soda Bottle
Lots of plants like bottom watering. A DIY soda bottle drip feeder will help to do just that. See how to do it http://thegardeningcook.com/soda-bottle-drip-feeder-for-vegetables/
DIY: Homegrown Tomatoes Upside Down Planter - 1001 Gardens
You'd like to homegrown tomatoes but you're short on space? Then this unusual growing method is for you! It's proven to be very effective and if done properly can greatly increase the number of…MoreMore #gardeningideas
BALDUR Garten Teppichphlox 'Emerald Pink', winterharter Bodendecker 3 Pflanzen Phlox subulata Polsterphlox Polster-Flammenblume Polsterstauden Moosphlox, Phlox subulata, winterhart, bienenfreundlich
BALDUR-Garten Teppichphlox 'Emerald Pink',winterharter Bodendecker 3 Pflanzen…