
43 Pins
One point perspective. by JessicaSlay on DeviantArt
one point perspective: bird's eye view
Cooling tower of an abandoned power plant
Abandoned mill from 1866 in Sorrento, Italy | The 33 Most Beautiful Abandoned Places In The World
Stunning outdoor spaces
CREATIVE LIVING from a Scandinavian Perspective: Stunning outdoor spaces
this is a 1 point perspective image, this is shown through the way that everything in the drawing,e.g the buildings, all are in line with the point of perspective. The way the drawing shows depth is through the fact that the further away an object get the smaller and lighter it becomes whereas if an object is closer the object becomes larger and darker
One-Point Perspective Art Lesson | Deep Space Sparkle
Struggling with teaching one-point perspective? This drawing lesson is super easy and offers lots of opportunity for your students to be creative and expressive.
the tiny art room
the tiny art room