
278 Pins
Parures (capsules Nespresso®) | recrea-caps
Capsules Nespresso ® | Bruxelles | Récréa-Caps | Parures (capsules Nespresso®)
Riciclo creativo: orecchini Nespresso
WOOW #tutorial | earrings with nespresso's capsules recycled - orecchini con capsule nespresso usate - #DIY #ricicloCreativo | @Maria Canavello Mrasek Abruzzese is the creator of Craft and Fun Your guide to the creative recycling.
Die magische Kapsel - Kapsel-Schmuck und Deko Anleitungen, Ideen Schmuck selber her zu stellen,
Nespresso Kapselarmband
Polymer Clay Tutorial - Chatty Charms
"engraved stone lettering words" - this is a great tutorial on stamping (rubber stamps and other methods as well) into polymer clay. Tutorial covers a LOT of basic polymer clay techniques, great for beginners and will give you a good start working with the medium. ~TA
Cornstarch or Baking Soda with Polymer Clay
Learn about using cornstarch or baking soda with polymer clay at The Blue Bottle Tree. #Polymer #Clay #Tutorials
Five Things I Wish I'd Known When I Started Polymer Claying
Five Things I Wish I'd Known When I Started Polymer Claying