
16 Pins
Japanese Hotcakes
Japanese-style pancakes are taller and fluffier than regular pancakes. They make a fun weekend breakfast treat!
Clean eggs muffins recipe
Great for breakfast, a brunch buffet, or when having a lot of firsts. So simple. Actually everyone could actually create their own,before you pop it in the oven. Yum, egg muffins.
Corn Dog Mini Muffins
Corn Dog Mini Muffins - Savory mini muffin appetizers that are sure to be a family favorite, perfect for snacking or for game day!
Churro Bites - Cooking Classy
Churro Bites with optional chocolate sauce. Everything is better when it's bite size.
15 Botanas que harán de tus tardes de películas las mejores
Easy cooking Más
Hasselback Chicken Stuffed with Mozzarella, Tomato and Basil
Hasselback chicken stuffed with mozzarella, tomato and basil is a new way to enjoy chicken for dinner tonight from Walking on Sunshine Recipes.
Je cuisine mon potager - un site pour mieux connaitre les légumes, mais aussi les différentes façons de les cuisiner, avec quelques idées de recettes
PETITS PAINS FARÇIS - tomates, basilic, persil, fromage ... ou selon vos envies…
La pomme de terre dans tous ses états, en 10 recettes succulentes et originales !
potato roses, how-to:, simple and will look beautiful on a plate for a special dinner