Modern Layouts

Modern or otherwise beautiful layouts
15 Pins
This seemed like a very interesting use of the page layout What I would change is the lettering it seemsvery over crowed The bad part of this design is the overcrowding of the lettering.
Unlimited Portfolio Brochure
Unlimited Portfolio Brochure by 24BEYOND , via Behance editorial design
30 Gorgeous Brochure Design Ideas for print
This annual report is really aesthetically pleasing while still staying true to what Google is all about. You can see the use of a grid, and the layout is really great overall.
Nike Stadium Paris 4 - Leslie David website
Halfpixels_Webmaster_Manual.png by Jake Hill
Designed by Jake Hill. I am inspired by the angled cropping of the images. It creates great eye movement, and visual interest. There's a great balance of negative and positive space throughout the layouts.
Orekhprom booklet
orekhprom booklet ; qusqus . "orehprom is the largest supplier of nuts in russia. the booklet’s task — to mark out the company against competitors and to show the reached level by current year" .
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