
1,074 Pins
✨Um tutorial incrivelmente lindo de Natal 🎄 Já me segue aqui para mais vídeos como esse E compartilha com sua amiga que é louca por crochê Fio poliéster da marca @tztextilfios ✨ #croche #tutorialcroche #guirlandadenatal
At the end of last year I decided I was ready to give YouTube a real try. I made and uploaded several tutorials that were doing well, but then the new year came and I got side tracked by my book and other big projects. Needless to say all that progress I made with my channel, completely stalled. I just checked my YT stats and not only did I just hit 10k subscribers, I’m only few watch hours away from monetization! which has now re-ignited my desire and motivation to put more effort into my ...
CHRISTMAS CROCHET 🌲🏠 Crochet Christmas House Ornament Tutorial 🌲🏠 Gingerbread House
Bua Crochet - YouTube