
120 Pins
First generative website layout! Based on Voronoi diagram. Adding new project to the portfolio changes the whole structure of homepage. Client: architecture studio Digital Bakery (digitalbakery.org). Design and developement: DotOrg studio (dotorg.ru).
Drexel #excellent #web #design #wellDone #Iconika #Likes #retail #Brand #Experience
Stay up to date with daily web design news: http://www.fb.com/mizkowebdesign skrivr.com/blog/latest/our-dashboard-keeps-us-focused #webdesign #design #designer #inspiration #user #interface #ui #web
Argo - One Page Portfolio PSD Template - Desart lab.
Argo - One Page Portfolio PSD Template by Zizaza - design ocean , via Behance
Family Pics - Clément Pavageau
Designer: Clément Pavageau