
18 Pins
DSLR Photography for Beginners - The Definitive Guide - Live Snap Create
3 Misunderstood But Important Buttons on Your Camera Explained
Are you familiar with these three important buttons on your camera? The Depth of Field Preview, Exposure Compensation, and the AEL button are all really useful, get to know how to use them to take your photography to the next level.
Beginning Photography lesson: Exposure Compensation
This camera trick will have you taking pictures like a pro.
Manual Mode in Photography - go for it!
Boost Your Photography: Manual Mode in Photography - go for it!
Shutter Speed Tutorial for Beginners
Shutter Speed Tutorial for Beginners & Cheat Sheet | Smashing Camera
Tips to Understanding ISO for Beginners
Understanding ISO takes patience, but it is the key to good photography. ISO stands for International Standards Organization, the standardized industry scale for measuring light. In Digital Photography, ISO measures the sensitivity of your camera’s image sensor. In this free video, world renowned outdoor photographer Ian Plant gives you guidance on understanding ISO. As he explains, the lower the ISO number the less sensitive your camera is to light and the finer the grain.
What do the numbers on your lens mean?
Photography Tips | Find a breakdown of what the numbers on the lens mean, and what to look for when choosing your own lens in this photography tutorial for beginners!
How To Choose Your Camera Settings in Manual Mode (with examples!)
One of the things I get asked a lot is how to choose your settings when shooting in Manual Mode on your DSLR. I understand that it can seem a little bit overwhelming at first - you are used to the camera making all of these decisions for you, so it can be difficult to even know where to sta
The Language of Light: Understanding The Zone System for Digital Photography
Photography Tips | The Zone System is a perfect tool for any photographer (in any genre) who wants to master lighting and grasp the advanced concepts of exposure. Learn the basics of The Zone System and how to use your camera’s meter to correctly expose in ANY lighting scenario including difficult light such as harsh light, back light, and low light. Then dive into creative exposures and how to expose based on your vision. #photographytips #photography #photographyideas
The Ultimate Guide to Learning how to use Your first DSLR
The Ultimate Guide to Learning how to use Your first DSLR