light painting

50 Pins
Torch-o-saurus: Incredible pictures show prehistoric creatures created in thin air with a flashlight and camera
prehistoric creatures created in thin air with a flashlight and camera.
Animated Light Paintings Of Skeletons Skateboarding And Breakdancing
A first gander at one of Darren Pearson's animated light paintings is met with a sense of wonder and amusement. On his website, he subverts the GIF process to make his light skeletons breakdance, skate a handrail, and walk across a tiny creek. He's taken still photos of luminously painted octopus, dinosaurs, The Simpsons characters Kang and Kodos, and angels, all set within striking geographical spaces.
Burning Lookout!
M+M Morrison + Burning Lookout! | light + light painting + brown orange yellow
light graffiti, michael bosanko, light painting, light sculpting
light graffiti, michael bosanko, light painting, light sculpting
Light Painting Artist Janne Parviainen | Light Painting Photography
The Unforgiven - Janne Parviainen
Suomalaiskuvaajan maagiset valomaalaukset leviävät ulkomailla
Janne Parviainen
Janne Parviainen | Light Skeletons And Figures Painted Straight From The Camera (12 Pictures)
Janne Parviainen | Light Skeletons And Figures Painted Straight From The Camera (12 Pictures)