
80 Pins
One more, One less, Ten More, Ten Less!
Sunshine Addition Activity for Kids - Planning Playtime
Are you working on Fact Families? You will love this Sunshine Addition Activity for kids. Simple, fun, and effective math practice for kindergarten.
Kerry Regenstein
This is a number book I created for my Kindergarten. I print out a book for each student and use it in small groups during center time.I like to us...
Elisa Sähköpostipalvelun kotisivutila
Todella kattava linkkilistaus matemaatikkaan! Lukujono, kymmenjärjestelmä, kymppipari, kymmenenylitys, yhteen- ja vähennyslasku. Useimmat tehtävät sopivat esim. IPadilla tehtäväviksi.ärjestelmä
S’entraîner à la symétrie : un pack de fiches
S’entraîner à la symétrie : un pack de fiches
Number Facts Games: Uno Flip for Addition, Subtraction & Multiplication
This fun game can be used to help children revise mental math facts, times tables and simple mathematical equations.
Teaching 3-digit multiplication using colors. wish I had seen this 6 mths ago!!!!