Asia and South Pacific

Scanned images of comic book (© Disney) covers in different languages and from different countries - a part of my collection
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Taiwan - Mickey Mouse bilingual (Traditional Chinese & English). Scanned image of comic book (© Disney) cover.
Taiwan - Mickey Mouse by China Post (Traditional Chinese) Scanned image of comic book (©Disney) cover
Taiwan - Donald Duck by China Post (Traditional Chinese) Scanned image of comic book (©Disney) cover
Taiwan - Donald Duck Story Collection (Chinese) Scanned image of comic book (© Disney) cover
China (Hongkong) - Disney Illustrated (Chinese) Scanned image of comic book (© Disney) cover
China (Beijing) - Selected Cartoons (Chinese) - apparently a publication not officially approved by Disney
China (Hongkong) - Donald Duck (Chinese) Scanned image of comic book (© Disney) cover
China - Donald Duck and friends (Chinese) Scanned image of comic book (© Disney) cover
China (Hongkong) - Mickey Mouse (Chinese). Scanned image of comic book (© Disney) cover
China (Hongkong) - Mickey (Chinese) Scanned image of comic book (© Disney) cover
India - Disney Today (Hindi) Scanned image of comic book (© Disney) cover
India - Donald Duck (Bengali) Scanned image of comic book (© Disney) cover