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Как вяжется шапка «Сова» спицами: схема с описанием
Как вяжется шапка «Сова» спицами: схема с описанием
Как вяжется шапка "Сова" спицами? Схема с описанием, узоры, модели :: SYL.ru
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Как вяжется шапка "Сова" спицами? Схема с описанием, узоры, модели :: SYL.ru
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Комплект «Совы» (шапка и шарфик)
Hat with owl pattern and circular scarf | Senpolia handmade
Age: 3-4 years; You will need: 200 g Alpacana yarn (35% wool, 25% alpaca, 40% acril, 130 m/100 g); Knitting needles no. 4; 2 decorative buttons. Knitting explanation: Hat: Cast on needle 64 stitches and knit 4 rows with jersey point. In the next row stitches are divided as follows: 26 purl stitches, 12 knit stitches, 26 purl stitches. Is knitting three rows more in this way (in the back rows, the purl stitches will knit front, front stitches will knit purl). In the next row on those 12 knit ...
Hat with owl pattern and circular scarf | Senpolia handmade
Age: 3-4 years; You will need: 200 g Alpacana yarn (35% wool, 25% alpaca, 40% acril, 130 m/100 g); Knitting needles no. 4; 2 decorative buttons. Knitting explanation: Hat: Cast on needle 64 stitches and knit 4 rows with jersey point. In the next row stitches are divided as follows: 26 purl stitches, 12 knit stitches, 26 purl stitches. Is knitting three rows more in this way (in the back rows, the purl stitches will knit front, front stitches will knit purl). In the next row on those 12 knit ...
La Fleur / DROPS 108-3 - Ilmaiset neuleohje DROPS Designilta
La Fleur / DROPS 108-3 - Ilmaiset neuleohje DROPS Designilta
Purple Rhapsody / DROPS 115-12 - Ilmaiset neuleohje DROPS Designilta