
28 Pins
Tricky Geocache
A tricky #geocache disguised as a reflector. Just remember for hides like this you'd need to find an existing hole in a pole; you can't damage public property to hide a cache. (pics by Three3amigoz) #IBGCp
Verschlüsselung nach Francis Bacon - Bergziege-OWL
verschluesselung nach francis bacon
BoS1 - free Book of Shadows pages to save or print - Section One -Magickal Alphabets
A rock, a waterproof match container, and good glue and you have this tough-to-find hide.
Secret Codes for Kids – Top Secret Messages
8 Awesome DIY Secret Codes for Kids - Type your own Top Secret message into the template and it will automatically encrypt to match the Cipher! Great as Spy Party games / activities, for playdates or even in the school classroom as code breaking games $6.50 via SIMONEmadeit.com
Benjamin Bolzmann - TRUECARE IT- & Projektmanagement GmbH | LinkedIn
myGEOtools - Codetabellen [Allgemein]
Intresseföreningen Geocaching i Sverige
Geocaching log sheets to print, as PDF or JPG