Health and Fitness

24 Pins
This 28-Day Challenge Will Get You To Actually Start Working Out
Just four workouts a week — no gym membership or equipment needed.
What Happens to Your Body When You Eat A Teaspoon of ‪Turmeric‬ Every Day!
What Happens to Your Body When You Eat A Teaspoon of ‪Turmeric‬ Every Day!
Bio Essentials International Group | Singapore Singapore
10 foods to NEVER eat again. Start your free month now!!! Cancel anytime. #fitness #workout #health #exercise
4 Effective Yoga Asanas To Improve Mental Health
5 Amazing Yoga Asanas For Healing Your Body And Mind
Yoga | StyleCraze
Yoga Exercises for Neck Pain: Here are some yoga poses that will relieve you from your neck pain. Wonderful exercises. If a little extra help is needed, go to
The 14 Best Things To Eat After A Workout
14 Best Things to Eat After a Workout! #workout #nutrition #fitfam #cleaneating
Carolina Charm
Detox: Ingredients 64 oz purified water 1 bag Dandelion Root Tea 1 tablespoon pure Cranberry Juice 2 tablespoons Lemon Juice Directions: Make the tea as directed on the box. Cool to room temperature and add it to your container. Mix in the lemon juice, cranberry juice, and fill with filtered water up to 64 ounces. Drink one full 64 oz container every day for seven days.
Rock Those Skinnies, Girl! [VIDEO]
Try these thigh thinning, butt lifting moves to shape your legs and tush!
Pilates Exercise to Blast Those Abs
Says it will flatten your belly, slim your thighs, and firm your butt in 2 weeks--without a single sit-up or squat!