
Funny pics and stuffs that you should pin and like!
21 Pins
Andrew Lee Potts on his role as Hatter in Syfy's "Alice." "Lorsque je suis venu à l'audition, j'ai joué le personnage tel qu'il m'apparaissait: un personnage plus sarcastique qu'exentrique. Puis la personne qui m'auditionnait m'a dit: Pouvez-vous le refaire mais en plus sexy? " Je l'ai regardé et lui ai dit: "Que voulez vous dire? Je ne suis pas sexy ??" LOL
Funny Memes - 35 Pics
That's right Steve! Although, that other guy IS pretty darn good-looking, even if he does dress funny. . .
Today vines compilation 01-20-2014 Best Vines compilation
Whoever made this is my new favorite person in the world. I will always repin it.
Page not found - Menn.is
funny captain america | funny-Avenger-Captain-America-Hawkeye
Chris Evans is a Brony. I knew there was a reason Captain America is my favorite hero.<------- Favorite Avenger, but my favorite villain is Loki
Will never not repin this either. Chris has been in so many super hero movies that its getting hard to keep track of.
-Actors and their hero complexes... They really need a support group... I just had a brilliant idea. I'm now going to become a psychiatrist. It's decided.
Funny Avengers Pictures
okay, these Mama Fury things half scare me, and half amuse me (Loki's duct taped to his bed though....)
Hahaha Robert... ~ Avengers | Funny | Loki | Tom Hiddleston | Iron Man | Robert Downey Jr | Captain America | Chris Evans ~
"And I'm like I'll take the stairs! " - Chris Evans on Captain America
"And I'm like I'll take the stairs! " - Chris Evans on Captain America
Hedgehog Goulash
Let's take a minute to appreciate the fact that Tony Stark killed a man over Dora.. (gif set)