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Free* beginner WordPress e-course: A step-by-step guide to creating your dream blog or website (*For a limited time!)
Relationship Advice, Travel & Career Tips
You know you wanna know. How to Get More Instagram Followers: 5 Rules to Follow | StyleCaster
5 Useful Apps To Edit Your Photos for Instagram
5 Useful Apps To Edit Your Photos for Instagram
Massive List of 200+ Blog Post Ideas When You Feel Stuck
Profits Online | A blog for profits and marketing online
68 Blogging Tips: How to Improve Your Blog [Infographic]
32 tips and tricks for Google Photos
32 tips and tricks for Google Photos
How to Film & Edit Videos for YouTube: Your DIY Blog
How to Film & Edit YouTube Videos - secret tips and tricks for home decor, DIY and lifestyle bloggers!
14 Video Tools for Social Media Marketers : Social Media Examiner
Do you want to add video to your social media marketing? Today’s tools make it easy to record and edit videos for social media marketing and ad campaigns. In this article I’ll share 14 tools marketers can use to create screencasts, montages and slideshows. Via @smexaminer
How to Find the Best Hashtags For Your Business (plus over 70 hashtag ideas) | The Shop Files
Find the best hashtags for your online shop! << The Shop Files
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In this latest blog post, I am sharing my ultimate cheat sheet on how to properly optimize images for social sharing. There comes that moment when you discover great content and want to Pin it and share it with your fellow Pinners. And then you click to pin and completely wrong image comes up if any for you to pin… what a bummer! From small content creators to major influencers, I’ve seen it time-to-time this dilemma of incorrect optimized images for a blog. via @annazubarev via @http...