Graphic Design

56 Pins
West Brewery: Packaging Design by Thirst | Inspiration Grid
West Brewery: Packaging Design by Thirst - Inspiration Grid | Design Inspiration
West Brewery: Packaging Design by Thirst | Inspiration Grid
West Brewery: Packaging Design by Thirst - Inspiration Grid | Design Inspiration
West Brewery: Packaging Design by Thirst | Inspiration Grid
West Brewery: Packaging Design by Thirst - Inspiration Grid | Design Inspiration
Let's make a 'racket' - mbsjq ◐
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信息传播!充满设计感的讲座海报设计 - 优优教程网 - 自学就上优优网 -
信息传播!充满设计感的讲座海报设计 - 优优教程网
Shanti Sparrow Graphic Design & Illustration
Shanti Sparrow has just been named number 27 of ’33 Women Doing Amazing Things in Graphic Design’. Shanti’s engaging posters and brochures caught the eye of Canva and she’s made the li…:
garadinervi : repertori
I love this image's use of opacity because it helps accentuate certain parts more than others, therefore for drawing your eye to the place they'd like you to look. This therefore pulls your eye to the most important text first. This image's hierarchy of text is both clever and intriguing.