Agile project management

16 Pins
Is DevOps Agile?
DevOps Vs Agile While DevOps is the concept to manage end-to-end engineering processes, Agile is a process used to manage complex projects. Agile is, in fact, one of the most essential parts of successful DevOps.
3 Tips to Using Scrumtastic Storyotypes
3 Tips to Using Scrumtastic Storyotypes
Definition of Done in Scrum
What does it mean when something is "Done"? Especially in software development people's expectations vary when they hear "Done" significantly. It could mean anything from "finished coding" to "written and tested" to "documented, released and blogged about it". In Scrum, a dev team and their product owner compare expectations and agree on a shared Definition of Done. To make it less abstract ...
Right-Sizing Features for SAFe® Program Increments
Right-Sizing Features for SAFe® Program Increments | Ivar Jacobson International
What Is MVP and How to Build an MVP App
What is a Minimum Viable Product and How to Build an MVP for Your Startup
The Role of the Product Owner – Maximize Value
The Product Owner is 1 of 3 roles in Scrum. They are most commonly known for…
Minimum Viable Product
Eric Ries has changed how millions of startups develop products with the idea of testing assumptions about customers with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Thank you to the good people on Twitter for vetting this 1-pager! This 1-pager is part of "Skills for successful Product Owners" Content of 1-Pager: Lean Startup's Minimum Viable Product (MVP) T ...
FREE DOWNLOAD > Working in Agile: Scrum Roles, Scrum Flow, and Scrum Artifacts
Image titled working in agile scrum roles scrum flow and scrum artifacts 1
User Stories
In agile environments you reduce big upfront design, because you know that customer requirements will change. Capturing requirements as User Stories is the most common approach.
User Story Mapping
Story Mapping as a fantastic method to plan a product (or feature), sort user stories into releases and to serve as a backlog on steroids during development. We have to thank Jeff Patton for popularizing this approach. Content of 1-Pager: User Story Mapping When working with stories in a backlog, it is easy to get lost in details, making it hard to prioritize. A bett ...